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How social media can help you with your next job interview

Social media is becoming more relevant when it comes down to job search. Nowadays, most companies will check social media accounts of a potential employee before hiring him or her. It has become crucial to know what to do on social media and how to use it to your advantage. 

    1. Clean up your online profiles

Do a quick Google search of you and see what pops up. Remove any profiles that may be outdated or inactive. Scan all your social media accounts, like Facebook, Twitter, etc.… Potential employers may check your status updates and photos; therefore you want to make sure all your profiles cast a positive light. You should remove any updates containing profanity, complaints about former employers, racist comments, sexist comments or drunken pictures of yourself. Any of those will raise a red flag for the potential employer. 

    2. Project a professional image

Projecting a professional image will make you stand out in the recruiter’s mind prior to the interview. There are mainly two things you can do prior to the interview that will help you achieve that. The first one is to revise your profile picture and remove silly face-swap photos and instead, display a more business oriented look. Use a high quality photo, preferably a headshot with a neutral background and work appropriate clothes. The second is to edit your bio. Write something short, meaningful and professional. Make sure to double-check your grammar and punctuation.  Lastly, sharing articles about your field of work regularly and displaying your accomplishments will also help you cast a professional image.

    3. Reach out to recruiters directly

Identify the company you want to work for, and try to find out who is responsible for hiring for the position you want. Depending on the size of the company this may prove tricky and/or some people may not yet be present on social media. Once you find the recruiter, look for their social media and follow them on Twitter and ask to connect on LinkedIn as well. When you send them a LinkedIn invitation to connect, introduce yourself and explain why you are reaching out to them. You can obviously achieve this step before the job interview but also after. It’s always good to contact the person who interviewed you to thank them for their time via social media or email within 24 hours.

    4. Scan the company’s social media

Before any job interview, you need to do a little research about the company you are interviewing for. Browse the company website, read the company news, read their blog and see what they are sharing on social media. You may discover valuable information about the company’s culture that will help you stand out during your interview.

These social media tips will help you set a good professional image before, during and after the interview. Now you just need to bring a winning attitude and to wear your best outfit and you are ready for your next job interview. Good luck.


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