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3 Reasons why you should start to blog

Have you ever wondered whether you
should start a blog for your practice? In recent years, blogging has
become the most valuable tool for any business to communicate, engage
and attract new customers to their websites. If you are not sure why
your practice should be blogging, let me enumerate a number of
reasons on how blogging can benefit your business.

  1. It is your company’s voice

A blog allows you to have a personal
voice which breaks the traditional corporate image people may have of
you. On your blog, you are free to talk about whatever you want as
long as it is related to your business of course. You can shamelessly
promote your products and services to your readers, you can educate
them about various diseases you treat, on how they can protect
themselves from seasonal cold. Your blog should aim to either inform,
educate or entertain but if you can accomplish all three of them,
it’s even better. A blog is also your personal PR agent, a PR agent
free of cost or at least at a lower cost and you get to keep the
control of all the messages going out.

  1. Huge SEO boost

A blog improves your website search
engine optimization. That alone will improve drastically your website
search ranking and the best part of it, is that each post published
turn into a long term SEO asset. You blog posts from last year may
still be driving traffic to your website, so keep on writing new
articles. Search engines are always looking for fresh new content and
keywords to give the best search result. Blogging regularly about
market trends and what is going on in your industry is also a good
way to have some fresh and relevant content to beat your competitors
in search engine results.

  1. Social media content

A blog is the lifeblood of your social
media content strategy. Have you ever wondered what to do on social
media and what to share on Facebook? Having a blog solves this
problem. A blog will help you attracts visitors to your website and
the social media channels will help distribute the content.

This concludes my article on why your
practice should have a blog. If you are convinced you should start a
blog after reading this article, then search for the various blogging
platform that already exists. On of the most famous one, if not the
most famous one is WordPress. You can either have a blog hosted by
Wordpress or integrate the WordPress blog directly on your website.

Do you have a blog? Do you have
anything to add to this article? Please let me know by leaving me a
comment below.

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